of Science
course requirements
essays. For 4 of the reading assignments, you will be asked to write
a short essay (2 typed, double-spaced pages, approximately 500 words) engaging
with some issue or issues in the reading. (Specific instructions for the short
essays will be distributed in class.) The goal of these assignments is to
help you read in an active, engaged way, and to encourage you to develop your
own view about these issues. Short essays are due in class on the dates listed
in the program. No late essays will be accepted, but I will
drop your lowest short essay grade before calculating your final grade. Taken
together, the short essays will count for 25% of your course grade.
Exams. There will be a midterm and a final exam for this
course. The exams are intended to evaluate your grasp of material from assigned
readings, lecture, and class discussions. Each exam will include shorter objective
items (e.g., definitions of key terms) and longer essays that will require
that you reflect critically on the course material. More details on the format
and content of these exams will be distributed later in the term. The midterm
exam will count for 20% of the course grade and the final exam will count
for 25% of the course grade.
Research assignment. There will be an assignment that requires
you to find articles from the popular and the scholarly scientific literature,
analyze these articles, develop an annotated bibliography, and write a discussion
of the different patterns of communication in popular and scholarly scientific
articles. (Specific instructions for this research assignment are here.)
The research assignment (the final write-up plus the preliminary stages of
the assignment) will count for 20% of your course grade.
Class participation. Dialogue and discussion will play an
important role in our project of analyzing and assessing the central issues
of the course raised in reading assignments and lectures. Therefore, I expect
that you will come to class with your books, having done the readings and
thought about the issues they raise before our class meetings, and ready to
participate in general discussion, in-class writing exercises, and periodic
small group exercises. Your class participation will count for 10% of your
course grade.
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