in Science
course texts.
at Spartan Bookstore:
Deni Elliot and Judy E. Stern (eds.), Research Ethics: A Reader
ISBN 0874517974(Bookstore sold out? Check Amazon)
Carl Djerassi, Cantor's Dilemma: A Novel
ISBN 9780140143591(Bookstore sold out? You might call one of the local chain book stores to see if they have this in stock. Or check Amazon)
PHIL 133 Course Reader
(Maple Press is at 330 S. Tenth Street, next to Sammy G's Pizza.)
If they have sold out stock on hand, you can pre-pay for an "on demand" reader; this may take a couple of business days.
There are two articles that are available online but NOT in the dead-tree version of the course reader:
The Spartan Book Store is located
in the Student Union.
Maple Press ((408) 297-1001) is located at 330 South Tenth Street between
(next to Sammy G's Pizza).
Click here for a campus map.
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