Ethics in Science




Sunday, August 18, 2019:
*If you would like to add this course, please come to the first class meeting (Thur. Aug. 22, 1:30-2:45 pm in BBC 222).

*There is a course reader available online (via Canvas). If you prefer a dead-tree version of the reader, it will be available for purchase (as print-on-demand, which means you pay for it and your copy will be ready within about two business days) at Maple Press (330 S. Tenth St., next to Sammy G's Pizza; phone: 408-297-1001). The cost of the dead-tree reader is about $35 (including tax). They accept cash and checks, but not credit cards.

*In addition to the course reader, there are two required texts for the course (available for purchase at Spartan Book Store or various online sources). More information about the course texts can be found here.



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