First, write your essay!  Remember, the essay should be approximately 600 words (575-625), typed, double-spaced.  You should use a 12 point font and leave 1-inch margins all around (top, bottom, left, and right).  As well, your essay will contain:

A.    an introduction where you take a stand (your thesis) on the question you're writing on

B.     a few paragraphs where you explain why you think this is the best stand to take, giving reasons to back up your claims

C.    a conclusion where you tell your reader why it matters (the "so what?")

You will use your own software applications (e.g., Word) to complete assignments.  Save your essay in one of the following formats: ".doc", ".rtf", ".txt", ".pdf".  If you use Word Perfect, be sure to use one of these formats rather than ".wps"!

When naming an assignment file, you must use single-word file names or insert an underscore between words.  WebCT does not recognize file names with spaces, or characters that are not numbers or letters.

Then, submit your essay.  Submitting an assignment involves two steps:

    * upload the file from your computer to WebCT

    * submit the file for marking.

   1. From Assignments, click the assignment that you want to submit. The Assignment screen appears.

   2. To upload the file, under Student files, click Upload file. The Upload File for Assignment screen appears.

   3. To locate the file, click Browse to open your computer's file browser.

   4. Select the file. The Upload File for Assignment screen reappears, with the path and filename displayed in the Filename text box.

   5. Click Upload. The Assignment screen appears and the uploaded file is added to the Student files table.

   6. To submit the completed assignment, under Submit Assignment, click Submit assignment. The Submit Assignment screen appears. Note: All assignments in the Student files table will be submitted. Depending on administrator settings, you may be able to receive email notification that your assignment was submitted successfully. If applicable, enter your email address in the text box.

   7. Click Submit assignment. A confirmation screen appears.

   8. Click OK. The Assignments screen reappears, with Submitted displayed in the Status column. When the assignment has been graded, Submitted changes to Graded and your grade appears in the Grade column. Click Graded to view your instructor's comments about your work.

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